Meet "Lucky" one of the many daycampers here at Best Friends Pet Care.
Lucky is a 1 1/2 yr old Black Labrador. He has been coming to daycamp since March 2009. Lucky and his owners consider Best Friends his home away from home. This is where Lucky comes to use up his puppy energy so mom and dad can have a break.
Here are a few things to know about Lucky:
Favorite foods: turkey, chicken, jumbones and biscuits.
Favorite toys: kong ball, frisbes (before chewing them up), the garden hose and all yard decorations
Favorite hobbies: barking at and chasing birds; digging holes, stealing socks, gloves and anything else (and Lucky is very good at this after all the practise he's had)
Fun told by Lucky "Last summer I got into trouble when I jumped onto the glass patio table top. When I was done being scolded I chewed the air conditioning unit wires and jumped on top of it. Luckily it wasn't turned on. After name is Lucky"
Lucky says the staff at Best Friends spoil him - "I love daycamp, I come 2-3 times a week. I get to run around and chase all my friends. And I get to meet new friends too." "Once, I stayed during Thanksgiving and the staff were so cool, they fed me and all the other guests turkey dinner with carrots, but I didn't eat my carrots. I did chew them up but left them on the floor...ya know, I like to share and I felt bad that the staff weren't eating when we were eating. I wanted to be nice. They all work so hard and play with me....I have even chewed a toy and they didn't scold cool"
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14 years ago