Best Friends offers a FREE puppy socialization hour every Wednesday at 1pm. You come with your new puppy to watch and enjoy the puppies play. This is open to any puppy under the age of 6 months old and is current on their vaccinations.
What is socialization?
Introducing and familiarizing a canine to new experiences - including people, places, objects, other animals - in ways that help the dog learn how to respond to and interact with these experiences appropriately and without fear.
Why is it important?
From 8 to 12 weeks of age, puppies go through a fear imprinting stage. During this time, it is crucial to carefully introduce a pup to a variety of stimuli every day, and to ensure that the experiences are positive. This is also a good time to start training the pup in basic behaviors.
These socialization efforts make the difference in the dog's outlook on life. Instead of reacting fearfully to new experiences, the dog is comfortable when encountering new things, animals and people. This helps the dog and everyone else, since the most common cause of unprovoked dog aggression is lack of proper socialization.
Socialization does not end at puppyhood. While the foundation for good behavior is laid during the first few months, good owners encourage and reinforce social skills and responsiveness to commands throughout the dog's life.
So once your puppy is over the age of 6 months and is spayed/neutered bring him/her back for daycamp.
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14 years ago